Sunday, November 11, 2012


(Sorry this picture of Speedy is so bad. I had to use my webcam to take it. I have THE worst luck with cameras, you have NO IDEA!)
Look what came in the mail all the way from the UK! A SPEEDY RABBIT! Speedy's mum, Rachel, noticed that I am always talking about wanting my own Speedy Bunn. Since she knows the Infamous Ladies in Vans cannot make it across The Pond to "procure" Speedy The Cheeky House Rabbit himself, she took pity on me and made me a Speedy all for my own! The Ladies in Vans is a group of insane conscientious rabbit loving women living in the U.S. who are obsessed with dedicated to ensuring rabbit parents take care of their charges by threatening offering to abduct adopt the rabbits that we find adorable neglected. Look! He is even all decked out in a Famous Speedy Scarf! Hot Dang! My Speedy is a spittin' image of the real Speedy!
My stuffed Speedy even has a heart stuffed with Speedy fur. And since he is a Rexie, you know he has a super soft heart!

Thank you so much, Rachel, for sending me a Speedy of my own to snorgle. Keep an eye out on your mailbox. Wait, you call it POST, not mail, right? Like your biscuit is  our cookie, your chips are our fries, your crisps are our chips, our pudding is your custard, your flat is our apartment, your lift is our elevator, your torch is our flashlight...
So...keep your peepers on the Post, I got something for my Speedy!


  1. That Cheeky Little Bunn is going to be in two places at one time forever! He has transcended his Magic Closets. He is the Sweetest Bunn in the world and Brandi is the funniest person in the great state of Oklahoma. Brandi, I am sure you are a bunny and this is all an elaborate setup. Certainly when it comes to cheekiness, one can only suppose that Speedy and The Ladies in Vans were separated at birth.

  2. Two beautiful Speedys in one post!!Perfect!

  3. Glad Mini me Speedy arrived safely and that you love it my needle pricked fingers were worth it and you guys have put a smile on what was a sad day,Speedy is on the mend the eye drops are working and he is back to his cheeky self,Rachel and Speedy xx

    1. oh you're right it is post box here but I use both terms as my dad and step mum are in Philly

  4. LOLZ, who needs a Shelf Elf (google it) when I have a Speedy? I know where to look when treats, hay, pellets, etc go wonky and awry, now.
    Spider the cat is obsessed with this Speedy. I have to keep Speedy out of his sight because his eyes go all big and crazy when he spots him and I think it is because Spider can smell the real Speedy, and he is obsessed with rabbits in general.
