Thursday, December 27, 2012

Friday Flash Fiction 55 - Generic Rx

"Tequila is no substitute for antidepressants", he said cautiously.
Staring at the spaghetti splattered wall, she lifted the bottle to her mouth and licked the salt slowly from her lips.
"Next time refill your crazy pills BEFORE you run out." He went to bed ill at ease while she sucked on a wedge of lime.

Thanks to the G-Man for hosting! XOXOXO!!
G-Man's Blog


  1. Well there is reason why she is taking pills in the first place ~ Good one ~ Happy Friday to you ~

  2. Bunny Girl Brandi....
    I just LOVE a story with a point!
    Yours always give me a grin.
    Loved your Oh So Real 55
    What a great supporter and brilliant contributer you have been this past year. We are extremely lucky that you have found us. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Have a Kick Ass New Year....G

    1. You are too kind. I had a big rant about Dianne Feinstein that was scary and mean. But I realized that I had your button up, and I did not want anyone associating my hate-filled rant with you. Who knows what kind of shocked and angry responses it would have provoked.
      You saved me there, baby. Even if you ARE a Chevy man, and I drive a Ford...
      See you in 2013's first friday flash fiction 55!

  3. oy me thinks there will be all the more trouble with that kinda medication...and just as bad a side effect come morning...

    1. Something has to make a click in the brain's chemistry.

  4. Maybe he should have locked the bedroom door! ? :)

    1. You can bet he slept uneasy til that Rx was

  5. Tequila may be more fun, but it's sure no substitute!

    1. True. But it'll do until the refill gets renewed for another year!

  6. Hehehe nice and edgey love it Brandi,xxRachel

  7. Never took crazy pills- (just pills that made me crazy!)the tequila was familiar- the spaghetti was colorful! thanks.

    1. I take Paxil and ran out recently, not realizing my prescription had no refills and my doctor was out for the holiday. Paxil is one of those meds that works fantastic or is a disaster. For me, it works wonders. However, Paxil is also notorious for being a bitch. If you miss a dose, even one dose, or if you do not take it at the exact time every day, then you go through withdrawal and the brain zaps and...horrible other things! But I got my refill today and the script is good for the rest of the year.
      No, I did not throw dinner at the wall, but you bet your ass I was keeping myself at a low buzz with tequila to keep my nerves in check while I waited for my refill approval.
      My husband WAS worried about me, but not being a jackass. He spoke to me more like I was a stray animal he was trying to soothe and not frighten. lol.

  8. Yes, one has definitely got to be careful with drugs. I think a pharmacist here would provide a couple day's supply if the situation was explained to her or him. Be careful! You are important to us! Growl, growl...I guess I should come up with a nicer way of expressing that, but in the meantime...growl, better take care...growl...

    1. Awww, Thanks, Juana! I am usually careful about this stuff but the last couple of weeks were hectic. I hear something about snow again....

  9. I do think tequila would not be a good choice. Clearly chocolate would be better.

  10. Hee! Hee! Hoo! Hoo! NOW me knows why the tequila bottle gets empty!

  11. Oooh, I could feel the tension...this was great!
