A younger version of himself was trying to assert dominance, swiping dagger claws through the air.
One, experienced and savage.
The other, quicker with something to prove.
Impatient, the female growls her warning at the father and son facing-off over the last BBQ rib.
Today's 55 is inspired by the following Little Johnny Joke:
Little Johnny's teacher was holding up a picture of a cat.
"Can anyone tell me what this animal is?" She asked.
Little Johnny, way in the back of the class, held up his hand and waved it frantically.
"Oh, oh, Teacher! I know, I know!"
The teacher thought to herself that she could not call on Little Johnny because he was just going to say something dirty.
The next picture she held up was of a snake.
"Can anyone tell me what kind of animal this is?" She asked again.
In the back of the room, Little Johnny held his hand up, waving it frantically.
"Oh, I know, I know, Teacher, I know!" He said excitedly.
Teacher thought again that it was a bad idea to call on Little Johnny, he was just going to say something nasty.
The third picture was of a bear.
"Can anyone tell me what kind of animal we see here?"
Little Johnny was very quiet in the back of the class.
Well, thought Teacher, maybe this time it would not hurt to call on Little Johnny.
"Little Johnny, do you not know what kind of animal this is?"
"No, Teacher, I don't know what it is."
"OK, I will give you a hint. When your dad comes home, he is as hungry as a........"
"MOTHERFUCKER! Look, a real motherfucker!"
Thank you, G-Man, for being a bodacious gracious host! XOXOXOXOX