Thursday, February 7, 2013

Friday Flash Fiction 55 - Violent Eruptions

The low rumble sent tremors throughout the land.
Something big was about to happen, and the animals could sense it acutely.
It was quietest the microsecond before the world erupted into toxic chaos, the air filling with noxious gasses and sulfur.
Vomit covered the bed, the floor, the dog, and a feverish small child.

Thank you, G-Man, for being a most rockin' host!!! XOXOXOXOXO No X's and O's today, Luv. This shit is contagious by suggestion!!


  1. You shouldn't hate your name! It has great meaning and says a lot about you ...

    Your first name of Brandi has made you a friendly, approachable, and generous person.

    1. My first name also could be for strippers and bar flies.
      But you are a sweetie for trying to make me see it in a different light!!!

    2. Brandi its time to see things in life as a glass half full not half empty,love you Rachel

  2. Hi, Brandi! Nice to meet you :)

    Oh my - this soooo reminds me of when my daughter was about 3 and we were at a huge barbeque and she suddenly told my husband she didn't feel "white" (meaning right - lol) and she started to throw up. Good old Daddy just held out his hands and caught it so it wouldn't make a mess all over - lol!

  3. oh gosh..that happens and it is not good in my boys are retched vomiters...everywhere...except the they feel better....

    1. It's a boy thing. That is how mine pee also.

  4. Stars, think stars in your crown, Brandi. I hope the little vomiter is not the one who is ratting out the sneaking in the darkness bunn. Oh, maybe he is. Just upped his game.

    1. No no, my little ones ain't little no more. We all just got over a bout of the stomach flu, and I was reminded of when they were small and how much they could throw up and still crap their guts out. Hope you are not eating while reading this...

    2. Right, Brandi! I can feel your concern all the way down here in Austin. Why does even the mention of vomiting have such a powerful effect on us? I like your name. I just do. Hmmm. Let me think a while and see if I can tell you why. Anyway, for the time being, I just do.

  5. Nothing hurls with the abandon of a sick child--we lose that edge as we age. ;_) I was laughing out loud reading your rant about your name-though I think you could fix it by spelling it with a y--way more class. ;P I have a friend whose daughter's name is Hannah--she hates that, too--cuz, Hannah Montana. And Banana. Hope everyone gets better at your place.

    1. Nothing could class my name up except legally changing it. lol

  6. Dearest Bunny Babe...
    One thing you need to know about The G-Man is...
    Other than that, I'm pretty easy going
    Loved your sickening 55 BRANDI..
    (You ARE a fine girl...hehehehe)
    Thanks for ranting all over Bloggerville tonight, Maybe I should change the name to the Friday Catharsis...Have a Kick Ass Week-End

    1. You have had to deal a few pukish 55's today, G. The 55 Collective is starting to share a hive mind, perhaps?

  7. Aw. Hugs to the small child. One of my used-to-be-little ones had a way of doing that. So glad she mostly outgrew it.

    1. No, our house did recently get over the stomach flu, but this was an old memory of when my boys were small and the world was vomited forth all over the place! I am amazed that those little tummies can hold that much puke!

  8. I suppose animals can see it coming before we do. Dogs are very intuitive to weather, I guess to a sick child too?

  9. Oh - really sorry if that's not fiction! Hope you and or the small child are feeling peachy soon!

  10. My son has a bad flu right now, so I understand this through direct experience.

    Loved your comment on G-Man's blog. It must suck to hear that song.

  11. Oh, you have my sympathies. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

  12. Oh, I have been there. I remember keeping a bucket in the car and in their room. I hope all are well soon. :)
